THE DEMOCRACY ΟF HUNGER // To Openshowstudio παρουσιάζει τη δουλειά του Γιώργου Κακανάκη

October 25, 2010

Openshowstudio παρουσιάζει τη δουλειά του
Γιώργου Κακανάκη 
27 Οκτωβρίου μέχρι 3 Νοεμβρίου 
και καθημερινά 6-11μμ. 
Κάθε μέρα διαφορετικοί συνεργάτες 
η ταυτότητα των οποίων θα ανακοινώνεται αυθημερόν, 
θα δημιουργούν μαζί του ζωντανά εικόνα και ήχο.

6-9: Live Posters
9-11:Live Music

27  OPENING+birthday party of mr comfort
Live Posters: the Kompany
Live Music: Manic Strip Teachers
Live Posters: Gastarbeiter
Live Music: Aktion Direct
Live Posters: Wolf & Jack
LIve Music: Madness Grenades
1 nov
live Music
kinomatik von reich

the rest to be updated…

Ο Γιώργος λέει:


giorgos kakanakis A.K.A as Mr.Comfort A.K.A as _K
will invade the space with The Believers + The Rank and File
from october 27th til novemeber__

everyday comradecollaborators will work live in the space and in the evenings they will make sounds/music/noise


The Believers say:
is it possible that the world should be so silent? Not a single creak, not a syllable, nothing. I tell you: I see many women and many men, all the time, in the light of day, and they are deaf mutes. Mouths gape wide open and screech into microphones, and all i can hear is a sort of gentle hissing, like water leaking. Whole peoples are swept by fire, whole peoples die screaming, yet it makes no more noise than the slight screeching of a comb drawn through hair.scarcely as much noise as a match burning into flame.

The Rank and File say:what is important in an image_text is not only what it means, but what it does and incites to do/what it does: the charge of effect it contains and transmits/what it incites to do: the metamorphoses of this potential force into other things_other images_texts, decisions, acts of insubordination,destructive transmissions, erotic inspirations, economic initiatives_etc…


Agias Eleousis 14 Metro Monastiraki
Athens, Greece

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