“Kropotkin – The Coming Revolution”, a film presented by Magazin & Void Network

November 8, 2011

Kropotkin – The Coming Revolution – english from Magazin on Vimeo.

Magazin – underground media collective 
and Void Network
a 23′ short film compiled from different 
articles and books of the anarchist Peter Kropotkin. 
The film tries to give an introduction 
to the basic concepts of 

the film is made in German language including English subtitles 

On Viemo with embedded subtitles: http://vimeo.com/30571222

On youtube you have to activate the subtitles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysXqnikH6uA&hl=en

Sourcefile without subtitles: http://cutuphistory.org/media/Kropotkin_Die_kommende_Revolution.avi

File with english subtitles: http://www.magazinredaktion.tk/docs/Kropotkin_Die_kommende_Revolution.srt

you can read all the original text of Peter Kropotkin’s
“The Coming Revolution” here:


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