International Video Poetry Festival celebrates eleven years of creative collaboration with more than 2000 artists from 85 countries in general, a world of poetic visions for the benefit of humanity. Poetry, cinema, music and spoken word come together to communicate the inspiration, dreams, ideas and hopes of all of us.
We welcome you to this magical world.
International Video Poetry Festival #11
Free Self Organized Theatre Empros
Riga Palamidi 2- Psiri – Athens Greece
Organized by:
+The Institute [for Experimental Arts]
Supported by:
Void Network
Moving Poems
Film Poetry – Digital Platform

starts 17.00 until 24.00
Argentina: A.Vallejo | A. R. Jouli | P. Rodriguez Maturano
Australia: C.Widiarto | D.Tupicoff | I.Gibbins
Austria: M.Schöne | Sigrun Höllrigl
Belgium: M.Coton
Bulgaria: S.Brants | D.Mihaylov | L.Tencheva | V.Vladova
Canada: H.Matte and M.Dubé | Alunaya | Y.Begg
Chile: Mmmmmfilms
China: J.Huang
Colombia: E. Pedráza-Botero
Côte d’Ivoire: R.Hellat
Ecuador: F.Caicedo
Egypt: S.Radwan | S.Rawhey
Finland: A.Kontinen
France: C.Claude and P.Alves | E.Thomas | O.Gritsaeva
Germany: A.Siveria and O.Schuster | C. Baumgärtel | M.Kunze | S. Løvereide and P.Köln
Greece: A. Lazidis | A.Gkivalou | P. Panagis (Alloprosallos Nous) | E.Koroni | E.Moustaka and V.Papageorgiou| I. Kontogeorgiou | K. Ntinapogia | K.Cristoforidi | L.Cool | M.Moulos |Ν.Papadaki and G.Zorbas | S.Kontochristos | S.Mikroutsikos | I.Lachanas | Nikolas Papoulias | G.Chortarias, VaYaV (0.5) and Friteza | Alkistis Kafetzi & Maria Salouvardou
India: I. Krishnan | J.Louis
Ireland: David Ian Bickley with Shin Yu Pai and Jack Greenhalgh | M.O’Connell | M.Thompson | P.Boran
Israel: G.Danon
Italy: F.Di Gioia
Korea: F. Harvor
Latvia: M. Gruntmane
Lebanon: J. Khallouf & C. Boulad | N. El Hajj
Namibia: P. Robert and Philippe R.J. Talavera
Nepal: S.Guruwa & E.McDonaugh
Netherlands: D.Brands and J.Weerts | L.Pol | R. Noorda
New Zealand: D.Wagner | K.Charnock
Portugal: M.E.Santo and D.Reginato
Slovenia: Z.Stanovnik
South Africa: G.Grobler | C.Sauret | T.Zanoguera
Spain: C.Parra | C.Pamies
Tanzania: JoF.Kiaga
Ukraine: A. Kirii | O.Shchur
United Arab Emirates: K.Ranaulo
United Kingdom: D. Gajjar and D.Wellington | I. Byrne | J.Glennie | J.Harris | J. Lees & J. Lovell. | S.Stears | H.Moon | Asfar J. | J.Chambers
USA: H. P. Moon | D.Westlake | M.Plunkett | Poet D.Hunter, D.Dixon, P.Cummings and K.Allison | S.Speer | M.Mullins | N.Welter | J.Scotti and E. Charouhas | K.Maher and J.Dator | B. Shuttleworth | A.Kassir | J Smith | G Jeán | N Azcona | A Sánchez | L Woods | J Baldwin | P Queen | Al Limite
Lithuania: E. Motiejūnaitė| G. Šiaulys

LIVE SPOKEN WORD Performances:
Pavlina Marvin (GR)
Erika Thomas (FR)

starts at 16.00
Poetry Prescribed by Miss Yankey (UK)
starts at 16.00 – 17.00
Spoken Word offers meaningful activity which encourages and enables improved self-esteem, wellbeing and mental health. Miss Yankey’s workshops promote the therapeutic benefits of Spoken Word and creative writing; and provide valuable self-management tools. She believes that equipping people with the ability to express themselves in a healthy and creative way not only boosts confidence, but can also have a positive effect on their long term mental health and wellbeing.
Miss Yankey is a Spoken word Samurai who weaves words for a living, she has written and performed poetry all over the world. Passionate about bringing Spoken Word to new audiences, her words have travelled into all kinds of interesting spaces; TV, film, radio, theatre– her work can even be found in the Tower of London
starts at 17.00 till 17.30
Poetry and Platforms – On the infrastructural effects of social media on poetry as an aesthetic phenomenon by Camilla H. Soelseth (Norway)
The talk will be on what changes in distribution brings to the production, circulation and consumption of poetry, with specific focus on the case of instapoetry.
Camilla H. Soelseth is a researcher in media-influenced literary studies at Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. She recently submitted her Ph.D. on the topic of instapoetry and the platformization of poetry. Her expertise concerns platforms and the socio-technological infrastructures of culture. She is the current leader of the research network DHKO in Norway, which is a research network for digital humanities and the organization of culture. She is also the festival secretary of Oslo International Poetry Festival.

38 poets from 10 countries
starts 18.00 – ends after midnight
Miss Yankey (UK)
J. Chambers (JAMAICA- UK)
Sally Rawhey (EGYPT)
Madara Gruntmane (LATVIA)
Tasneim Zyada (PALESTINE)
Moeflowz (USA)
Dionne D Hunter (USA)
Luna Montenegro & Adrian Fisher (CHILE – UK)
Aniss Benarrioua (ALGERIA)
Hlín Leifsdóttir + Morton (ICELAND)
Maria Ioannou (CYPRUS)
Sissy Doutsiou
Tasos Sagris & Whodoes
Jessica Hyde
Natassa Theodorakopoulou
Marivi Gazeta
Vaya Kalfa
Εlectra Lazar
Ze Mitsos
Poppy Delta
Nikolas Koutsodontis
Katerina Zisaki
Yiannis Raouzaios
Orestis Batakis
Manolis Nanouris
Tonia Kosmadaki
Penny Millia
Georgia Diakou
Efstathia P.
Anna Afentoulidou
Kiriaki Cristoforidi
Dimitris Stamiris
Evi Lampropoulou
Nikos Erinakis
Vasso Christodoulou

2 days show –
18:00 to 22:00 / second floor
Armenia / Canada: A. Grigorian
Australia: E.Otsing
Guinea-Bissau: W. Bungué
Canada: Daniel H. Dugas | E.Steiner |S.Theodora | A. Cristini
Finland: M.-K. Oja
France: P.Chau-Huu
Germany: M. Kunze
Greece: M.Loukanidou | O.Tsirakidou | E.Giannakopoulos | E.Amanatidou | K.Anastasiou
India: Roohi Dixit | Ziba Bhagwagar | Brinda Jacob-Janvrin
Italy: E.Cutini | R.Lacatus
Japan: Y.Muraoka | V.Guilbert
Lithuania: E. Motiejūnaitė | G. Šiaulys
Malaysia: J.Peter
Netherlands: R. Noorda
New Zealand: B.Sutherland
Peru: F.Esparza
Serbia: A.Pantic
Singapore: K.Ong
Spain: Marisa Benito Crespo
Switzerland: P. Esch
Turkey: R. San
United Kingdom: L.Boer | G.Lee
Uruguay: S.Mariño
USA: Elle Kunnos de Voss|Linnea Larsdotter Mikkelä | R. Harman and C.Hunter | E. Hill | K.Mohsenin
Organized by:
+The Institute [for Experimental Arts]
Supported by:
Void Network
Moving Poems

+Institute [for Experimental Arts]
The Institute for Experimental Arts was founded in 2008 in Athens- Greece as a non-profit platform of creative expression and research in the fields of theater, performance art, digital media, installation, poetry and art theory. The Institute is committed to existing as an open meeting point for poets-writers, directors, actors, theater engineers/ technicians, performance artists, photographers, video artists and the writers who develop new analytical tools on contemporary art, media & communication.