Void Mirror international blog and Void Network participates in the International Solidarity Movement for the 6 members of Serbian Anarchosyndicalist Initiative that have been arrested by the Serbian State accused for an attack to the Greek embassy. The comrades they are completely non relevant with this attack but even though, the European State see in their faces an inner enemy for the European capitalistic Totalitarianism. In their faces we see the international struggle for Freedom, Equality and end of Exploitation.
SOLIDARITY IS OUR WEAPON On 25th of August a group of 5 persons attacked with molotov cocktails against the Greek embassy in Belgrade, without causing significant damage. The responsibility was claimed by an organization with the name Black Sun, which, according to its statement, made this attack in solidarity with the hunger striker Th. Iliopoulos.
For this reason, the government of Serbia detained 5 anarchists and persecutes another one, accusing them for “international terrorism”. All are members of Anarchosyndicalist Initiative (ASI), an organization that is not related with such attacks, while the arrested also made clear that they have no relation with the attack.
For one more time, the basic characteristics of the security state, that is being built in every country, become visible: increased repression, attack at the parts of the society that resist (in the particular case at anarchosyndicalists) and imposition of the doctrine of order and security. The state tries with every mean to accentuate the repression against politically radical groups: it names a simple attack with minimal material damage as “international terrorism” and afterwards it persecutes anarchosyndicalists without any clues. Purpose? The demoralisation of every political criticism against the dominating mechanisms and the cracking down of the “internal enemy”. It is not important if this is named “anarchist”, “immigrant” or “koukouloforos” [trans: the Greek state names like this the rioters that hide their face, it means hood-wearer]. The important purpose is the creation of an enemy, the creation of a (marginalized) social group that will lead the rest of the society to the conservativisation and loyalty. In the particular case the state mechanisms acted as they are used to act: two molotov cocktails and an alfadi [trans: alpha in a circle, Ⓐ] are enough to persecute 6 irrelevant with the attack individuals, that are facing imprisonment of decades.The fact that they are in an anarchosyndicalist union is enough in order for them to form the role of the “internal enemy”. An “internal enemy” that the state structures will try in any way to not let it from moving aggressively towards the power. In front of the repressive mechanisms of the state, we shall not stand back, but we keep walking with solidarity as our weapon.
Autonomous group of “University of Macedonia” (Thessaloniki)
call for donations for the Serbian comrades:
On 04.09.2009, following the decision of the investigating judge of the District Court in Belgrade, the groups of six anarchists who were arrested 3rd of September 2009 were sentenced to detention measures up to thirty days. year. The charge states that the suspects, on 25th of August, about three o’clock in the morning, initially wrote the graffiti on the facade, and then threw two “molotov cocktails at the building of the Greek Embassy in “Francuska” street in Belgrade.
Wanting to brutally deal with it’s hardest critics, the state acts, through it’s mechanisms of repression, with utterly banal logic. Those who have explicitly expressed their libertarian beliefs are mapped as the only suspects. The case ends with their imprisonment and gives a false picture to the general public about state’s expediency.
Due to the unusual course of action of the police and prosecution in this case, the arrested are suspected of having committed a crime of international terrorism. That act, in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia, is treated in the same group with the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes against the civilian population, organizing and encouraging to commit genocide and war crimes, the conduct of aggressive war, etc. Due to the legal weight of such characterization, the costs of the representation so far during the process have exceeded 10,000 euros.
For this purpose, the account was opened to help the arrested anarchists, which is listed at the bottom of this page. In addition, there is a phone number and e-mail that you can get additional information about the state of the arrested as well as the condition of the collected funds.
We hope that the freedom-loving individuals and organizations will get involved in this humanitarian fundraising action, and help the arrested anarchists to manage to prove their innocence.
Instructions for the donation of money:
Account with institution:
Beneficiarz customer:
announcement of Serbian intellectuals:
Announcement of the state prosecution institutions that they will press charges for an ”act of international terrorism” against six suspected of throwing two Molotov cocktails at the building of Greek Embassy in Belgrade made us write this letter and express our concern.Without a desire to justify this kind of act in any way we consider it to be our duty to point out at what we believe to be political background of applying double standards that can have a devastating effect in further development of our society.
Not so long ago, during protest held on 21. February 2008 after proclamation of independence of Kosovo United States of America embassy building was burnt down in Belgrade. Embassy building was significantly damaged by fire while one of the attackers lost his life. The only participant of this attack that has been prosecuted is being charged for “heavy criminal act against public security”.
Contrary to this, state institutions have characterized the act of smashing a window on an empty building of Greek embassy with two burning bottles that didn’t cause fire as an act of international terrorism. In criminal law of Republic of Serbia that act is next to genocide, war crimes and leading an aggressive war.
We are afraid that such a different positioning of prosecution institutions regarding these two cases is motivated politically by some of the current authorities who are trying to improve their rating with nationalistically orientated voters.
This has an encouraging effect on strengthening chauvinistic and extreme right wing tendencies in our society just like those that have participated in burning down USA embassy in Belgrade without any significant legal consequences.
For this reason we are addressing the public as well as the state institutions hoping that by doing so we will contribute in making the law treat all members of our society equally and adequately concerning the seriousness of act that has been done.
Zaga Golubović, Želimir Žilnik, Todor Kuljić, Vladimir Ilić
Boris Dežulović, Sonja Drljević, Ljubomir Živkov, Vladimir Aresinjević