Travelling in Himalaya (Nepal-North India) slide show photo exhibition by Tasos Sagris and Theodosia Doutsiou friday 13 october 2006 at Nosotros

October 7, 2006

As Tasos Sagris and Theodosia Doutsiou (Void Optical Arts Laboratories) just arrived from Himalaya (Nepal-North India) we will have the opportunity to organize an exhibition of 2500 photographies of them. Two video projectors, three slide machines and special light instalation will produce a multi media void art environment.
D.j Crystal Zero and Sissy Stardust they will be responsible for the sound design of the night and they will play the original Sound of the Asian Underground as also Indian Classical Music, Oriental Dub and Space Ethnic Electronika…
The exhibition will take place in
Friday 13 October 2006 / 8.30 p.m.
Nosotros Free Social Space / Themistokleous 66 Exarchia

(Nosotros Free Social Space is the social center that Void Network participated in the creation of it and accomodates a big variety of interesting artistic and political situations as also antiauthoritarian , direct social work)

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