CALL OUT for artists participation- 7th International Video Poetry Festival / Athens- winter 2018

August 19, 2018

The +Institute [for Experimental Arts] and Void Network
the 7th International Video Poetry Festival 2018
at Free Self-Organized Theatre EMBROS / Athens / Greece

The yearly International Video Poetry Festival 2018 will be held for seventh time in Athens / Greece. Approximately 1200 people attended the festival last year.

The 7th International Video Poetry Festival will run for two days in two different zones. The first day will be the Show Room Video Poetry. An unique zone that will include video poems, visual poems, short film poems and cinematic poetry by artists from all over the world (America, Asia, Europe, Africa). The second day will be the Live Improvisation Zone with multimedia poetry reading, concerts with experimental music and performances.

We are inviting the artists – poets, video artists, performers, directors, producers – who want to visit the festival to present their art project at the Theatre. We can provide to them accommodation for 3 days (one day before the festival, during the festival and one day afterwards).

The International Video Poetry Festival 2018 attempts to create an open public space for the creative expression of all tendencies and streams of contemporary visual poetry.

It is very important to notice that this festival is a part of the counter-culture activities of Void Network and + the Institute [for Experimental Arts] and will be non-sponsored, free entrance, non commercial and nonprofit event. The festival will cover the costs (2000 posters, 15.000 flyers, high quality technical equipment) from the incomes of the bar of the festival. All the participating artists and the organizing groups will participate voluntary to the festival.

The Institute [for Experimental Arts] invites the artists and creators of video poems to participate from their side in our effort to cover the expenses of the festival without private or state sponsorship. For this reason we propose to the artists the suggested donation of 5 euro for the submission of their video poems.

The participation is free and each artist can send more than one work ( 1 to 3 video poems for free). You can add the suggested donation of 5 euro (or more) to the following bank account

National Bank of Greece 04664860451 Iban GR2101100460000004664860451 Swift (BIC) ETHNGRAA

Void Network started organizing multi media poetry nights in 1990. Void Network and +the Institute [for Experimental Arts] believe that multi media Poetry Nights and Video Poetry shows can vibrate in the heart of Metropolis, bring new audiences in contact with contemporary poetry and open new creative dimensions for this ancient art. To achieve this, we respect the aspirations and the objectives of the artists, create high quality self organized exhibition areas and show rooms, we work with professional technicians and we offer meeting points and fields of expression for artists and people that tend to stand antagonistically to the mainstream culture.

We would like to thank Dave Bonta from the influential video art site Moving Poems, a global site with the best video poems in the web that inspired us to create the International Video Poetry Festival in Athens and we cooperate since 2012 to spread out the announcement of the Festival each year so as to gather participations from all over the world.


DEAD LINE FOR SUBMISSION: no later than November 20, 2018 (date of postmark)





Submit your poem(s) in simple steps

Click here to download and complete the submission form:


Your participation is FREE. Please you can add  the suggested donation of 5 euro (or more) to the following bank account:

National Bank of Greece 04664860451 Iban GR2101100460000004664860451 Swift (BIC) ETHNGRAA


Please, send the submission material via email as following:

+++ via email:
your video poems in mp4 or mov file, definition (720 x 576, 1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080)

the submission form and photos in .jpg file

(all these in a single wetransfer file)

Email: theinstitutecontact [at]
*please replace [at] with @ symbol to send email

You can use or any other FREE SERVICE to send us big files.


It is very important to name your files (videos and still images, photos) as it is shown below: 

Title of video poem                                                                                                                                          

Artist’s name                                                                                                                                                      



Be careful, you have to send only one email with the application form, the link to download, the video poems or the video poems archives, the still images of the video poems and any website of your art work projects


We recommend you to add English or Greek subtitles to your video poems even if the spoken language is in English as it will be easier for people outside the English spoken world to understand it.

We suggest you to send your video poems through internet. Otherwise you can also post your DVD file in the following address


GREECE 10443

Please post it not later than November 20, 2018(date of postmark) to the International Film Poetry Festival, Athens.

+ the Institute [for Experimental Arts] will inform you about your participation in early December 2018.


International Video Poetry Festival photos:
You can look here for some photos of previous poetry nights
organized by Void Network and + the Institute [for Experimental Arts]:

for more photos from Void Network art, events and actions :


The 7th International Video Poetry Festival is dedicated to the Chinese radical poet and photographer Ren Hang, one of the leading lights of the new generation of Chinese photographers. Ren Hang was arrested many times for his sexually explicit, joyously celebratory photography. Although he was globally renowned, he never gained the recognition he deserved in his home country, in part because he was repeatedly denied the opportunity to display his work in Beijing and throughout China.

Read more about Ren Hang  to the following link:


Organized by

+the Institute for Experimental Arts


Supported by

Void Network

Moving Poems





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