Since it seems that in the next few days a significant portion of our time, on the one hand, we will be sitting at home and dealing with the coronavirus, we said to gather here for archival reasons some interesting things we have read these days.
And when we say interesting things, we mean: that they are not practical guidelines (which is obviously useful but different), that they have a more social / political and less scientific look, that we obviously don’t agree with everything they say, but also that they do not include the various versions of conspiracy or authoritarian conception of history.

This post made possible through a facebook comment of a comrade from Greece- “Alexander Plats”. We thank him for inspiration.
None of these texts are sufficient in themselves. By combining elements from all of them, however, we find that they form a pretty good picture. So in a random order, let's start with: Italy- To our friends all over the world from the eye of Covid-19 storm https://www.dinamopress.it/news/to-our-friends-all-over-the-world-from-the-eye-of-covid-19-storm/
- Text by the very interesting Chuang team on microbiological class warfare in China. http://chuangcn.org/2020/02/social-contagion/
- Text by Dialectical Delinquents from USA on social control and anti-insurgency in epidemic conditions. http://dialectical-delinquents.com/coronavirus-an-exercise-in-intensified-social-control/?fbclid=IwAR1x3JwUgIG1OISrvtSzbkGSE-Ofv84cnwHqUriyWDKDaN8JfaNcWtXFA9w - Text by the ever-remarkable Mike Davis describing the pandemic as a medical Hurricane Katrina. http://links.org.au/mike-davis-covid-19-monster-finally-at-the-door? - Text of the ever-controversial Slavoj Zizek but with interesting details on the relationship between disaster and community https://www.rt.com/op-ed/481831-coronavirus-kill-bill-capitalism-communism/ - Interview with biologist Rob Wallace on the ecological aspect of the pandemic. https://climateandcapitalism.com/2020/03/11/capitalist-agriculture-and-covid-19-a-deadly-combination/ - Text by remarkable author Angela Mitropoulos on race and nation dialectics in quarantine. https://thenewinquiry.com/against-quarantine/ - Text by academic Eric Toussaint on the relationship between the coronavirus and the coming economic downturn. https://www.cadtm.org/No-the-coronavirus-is-not-responsible-for-the-fall-of-stock-prices - Text by feminists Abigail H. Neely and Patricia J. Lopez on the politics of care in the coronavirus era. https://antipodeonline.org/2020/03/10/care-in-the-time-of-covid-19/ - Text that flirts with the troll but also demonstrates in some places how the pandemic is testing the limits of capitalist modernity. https://tsakraklides.com/2020/03/07/the-virus-that-dared-to-stand-up-to-capitalism/Finally, in the form of a post-script, we draw your attention hereafter. Nearly 10 years ago, there was a nuclear disaster in Fukushima. If we are interested in the side of communities and the struggle for coexistence and solidarity in times of fear and panic, then we think we have a lot to learn from social self-organization in conditions of incarceration, quarantine and abandonment after the disaster in Japan. Some interesting examples from the standpoint of analysis and testimony can be found either in the book Fukushima Mon Amour https://libcom.org/library/fukushima-mon-amour or at the site Fissures in the Planetary Apparatus https://jfissures.wordpress.com/ For all comrades out there searching for ways to help we propose the inspirational call out from USA Autonomous Groups Are Mobilizing Mutual Aid Initiatives To Combat The Coronavirus https://itsgoingdown.org/autonomous-groups-are-mobilizing-mutual-aid-initiatives-to-combat-the-coronavirus/

Void Network – https://voidnetwork.gr