With the installation of photovoltaic cells in Prapopoulou Squat Athens,
Greece starts an experiment of collective ownership and self-management of
energy sources willing to cover our energy needs.
4 April
11:00: collectively installation of photovoltaic cells and sharing skills.
19:00: Self learning seminar of the function and installation of
photovoltaics cells
5 April
11:00: collectively installation of photovoltaic cells and sharing
19:00: Update about copenghagen 2009 call for climate action by Farma
collective, conversation about radical ecology and green capitalism.
In the way for energy autonomy:
Capitalism has converted earth into a patient that can hardly brieth.
Renewable energy sources could give her some air only if their management
is done by the society for the society. Energy autonomy is one of the
fronts of the struggle for social liberation.
The capitalists are already exploiting the more environmentally friendly
solutions in order to gain more profit.
The same companies, statal and international organisations that destroy
our planet with fossil fuel and promote overconsumption in all over the
world, now wear a green mask and pretend to trully care for nature.
What we need is to realise that the ideology of exploitation of humans and
nature is what led to the environmental destruction and there is no way it
can prevent it.
Take renewable enrgy in our hands
The poster of the event:
In english:
Prapopoulou squat:
Farma collective: http://farmazapatista.