Portland Oregon // We Are an Image From The Future U.S.A. Tour 2010

March 26, 2010

In the same night we went in the most crazy party even organized by a local Portland Indymedia collective [http://portland.indymedia.org/ ]…The people got naked after sometime and the party started to be realy wonderfull for everybody… The next day we’ve been invited to talk about Greek social insurrection in the important infoshop, bookshop and community organizing social center Black Rose [http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2008/04/374557.shtml ]. The talk kept for more than 3 hours in a complete packed space and it was the first time in all the tour until now that the people felt the need to use the understandings and the enthousiasm of our talk and put in practice their commitment to organize, meet in assembly, prepare for social struggle, creating counter information and attack against their own limitations.
We met many interesting collectives and many activists after our talk. Among them we met people from North Star infoshop, a worker-owned bookstore and community center [http://www.northstarinfoshop.org/ ], the events guide http://pc-pdx.com/Show-Guide/ , from The Northwest Student Coalition that is a horizontally structured student led network and interactive forum that aims to bridge intercollegiate communication of student groups working for social and environmental justice : [  http://nwstudentcoalition.net/ ], Portland Collective Housing(PCH) that is a non-profit low income housing corporation : 
http://www.portlandcollectivehousing.org/ ], Take Back The Land [http://takebacktheland.org/ ]
and the amazing small anarchist typography and publications collective Eberhardt Press [ http://www.eberhardtpress.org/ ]. The press name comes from the 19th century revolutionary explorer Isabelle Eberhardt : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabelle_Eberhardt

One day after our talk the Portland police assassinated the third person in the same month in this city…For many people this was enough….They came to the streets and they expressed their rage and their social ideas.You can find more info about the actions in Portland against police murders here:

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