We invite especialy all our friends and commrades in New York to participate in the Occupation of Wall Street in 17 September 2011 [ http://www.adbusters.org/blogs/adbusters-blog/occupywallstreet.html ] and we spread our invitation for the creation of Direct Democracy Camps and Public Assemblies all over United States of America the same date.
The open, public invitation to people from all kinds of economic and cultural backgrounds, people from all nations, all colours, all genders to participate in Assemblies all over U.S.A. will offer a great empowerment for all people to express themselves in public, to demonstrate their fears, their dissapointments, their needs, their dreams and organize their resistance against the destruction of our lives, against the destruction of the Nature, against the destruction of our communities, against the destruction of our FUTURE
You can hear also a 2 hours interview of participators of the Direct Democracy Camp and Public Assembly of Syntagma sq. / Athens Greece taken by the cultural activists from 16 Beaver Group New York about HOW TO ORGANIZE AN OPEN PUBLIC CAMP AND PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY
People that participate in different open groups (like the Group of fascilitators and secrateries of the Assembly, Technical Support Group, Art Group, Internet Group e.t.c.) speaking about practical ways and methods offering ideas, sharing experiences, problematics and dangers to avoid for organizing Direct Democracy Public Camps and Assemblies all around the world.
This conversation is an attempt to open up the process of the General Assemblies taking place in Athens on Syntagma Square, like an engine, in order to understand how it developed, and how it works. It touches on the problems they have faced, the barriers of having fixed ideological agendas, the question of restricting media access, of formulating respect, creating the form for a new political speech, drawing lots, voting, making resolutions, taking collective actions, establishing different thematic groups, working groups, allowing conflict and arguments, constructing a non-representative political agency, avoiding demands, ….
please listen / share / republish / distribute this interview:
[Theory, Utopia, Empathy, Ephemeral Arts]