The Magazin multi media collective and Void Network presents the video clip: “Bikini Kill – Rebel Girl – Chelsea Ives”

April 10, 2012

The Magazin network

multi media collective 
[ ]
and Void Network 
presents the video clip: 
“Bikini Kill – 
Rebel Girl – Chelsea Ives”

A tribute to former olympic ambassador Chelsea Ives, 
who got caught by the police after the english riots
in august 2011 and now is jailed for 2 years.
Dedicated to all wild young kids of Planet Earth, ready to explode, ready to show their real face, ready to change everything!
When we fight, we are fighting for our lives!

more info about U.K. 2011 riots:
Chelsea Ives, 18, allegedly threw bricks at a police car 
during the violence in Enfield in Summer 2011 UK riots.
She even boasted she had had “the best day ever”, 
Westminster Magistrates Court heard.
But the teenager was caught after her mother,
Adrienne, saw her on a television news report 
and called the police.
Mrs Ives, 47, yesterday said her decision was 
“gut wrenching” but insisted she only did what 
any “honest” parent could.
She added: “I had to do what was right. 
Roger (her husband) and I were watching 
the news and it was absolutely sickening. 
And then we saw our daughter among 
the crowds. 

“I could not believe it.
For a minute we did not know what to do. 
But then, 
what could normal, honest parents do?
“How can you sit there and see that and say 
‘that’s OK’? 
We were watching people lose 
their homes and businesses.
“As parents we had to say; 
‘She can’t get away with that.’
“She won’t thank us. 
I will be portrayed as a ***** but 
what were we supposed to do?”

Ives has met the Mayor of London as well 
as the London Olympics chief Sebastian Coe 
as part of her role as a 2012 ambassador.
Appearing at Westminster Magistrates during 
an all night court session in August 14 2011, 
she denied two counts of burglary, 
violent disorder and attacking a police car 
in the early hours of this morning.
Becky Owen, prosecuting, said Ives, 
who in 2009 was invited 
into the House of Commons 
to celebrate the success 
of a football project run 
by Leyton Orient Community 
Sport Programme, had led an attack 
on a Vodafone store.

“She was first to pick up masonry 
and hurl it at the window,” she said. 
She was also involved in a mob attack 
on Phones4U. 
Ives also allegedly hurled masonry 
at a marked police BMW 
in a “frenzied” attack 
that forced officers to flee.

Ives was described by her solicitor 
as a “talented sportswoman”. 

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