
May 30, 2022

How It Might Should Be Done – Idris Robinson

The following is a transcript of a talk delivered in Seattle on July 20, 2020, lightly-edited by the author for readability. A video recording produced by Red May is online here. This text was first published by Ill Will Editions.

The Future of Insurrection – by Lupus Dragonowl

October 1, 2018
Section 1: The composition of insurrection What is insurrection? ‘The goal of any insurrection is to become irreversible. It becomes irreversible when you’ve defeated both authority and the need for authority’ (CI) ‘The catastrophe is not coming, it is here.

Δημόσια Κατάθεση μιας Αυτόπτου Μάρτυρος της Δολοφονίας του Αλέξη Γρηγορόπουλου // Testimony of Eyewitness of the Assassination of Alexis Grigoropoulos

December 4, 2009
Δημόσια Κατάθεση μιας Αυτόπτου Μάρτυρος της Δολοφονίας του Αλέξη Γρηγορόπουλου. Η κοπέλα που μιλά σε αυτή την δημοσίευση έγινε γνωστή σε όλο τον κόσμο


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