Kurdish people fight for their survival and autonomy, a battle against colonialism, fundamentalism, and authoritarianism in their region and across the globe.
Liberal democracy has now been swept away everywhere, but the fundamental rule is confirmed and exalted by those who have made the word ‘freedom’ their slogan, only that it is the freedom of slave-holders.
JAMES C. SCOTT is known as something of a hybrid scholar: part-political scientist, part-anthropologist, part-agrarianist; a “crude Marxist,” a cautious anarchist. While a young
Καταλαβαίνουμε τελικά πως ενδόμυχα δεν μπορούμε ούτε καν να το προσπαθήσουμε, αρρωσταίνουμε και πέφτουμε σε κατάθλιψη και αδράνεια απέναντι σε όλες τις ανελέητες και
A statement by Embat, a Libertarian Organization from Catalonia, on the Pablo Hasél case and the authoritarian drift of the state in general. Originally published
Ιnterview conducted on September 12, 2019 by ACTA, on the occasion of the publication of Baschet’s new book on the Gilets Jaunes uprising, Une Juste colère.
17 November 2019 (The text published in french language at “A contretemps” at 17 November 2019). The sudden attacks of freedom on the suffocating capitalist
Void Network expresses solidarity for all comrades and friends fighting against fascism in Cyprus and invites all to participate in the march at 5/5/2019