Greek riots

May 23, 2017

Anarchists Fill Services Void Left by Faltering Greek Governance- article in New York Times by NIKI KITSANTONIS Αφιέρωμα των New York Times στους αναρχικούς της Ελλάδας!

Text: Ελληνικά / English. It may seem paradoxical, but Greece ’s anarchists are organizing like never before. Seven years of austerity policies and a more recent refugee crisis have left the government with fewer and fewer resources, offering citizens less

Void Network political announcement for the Greek National Strike in 19 & 20 Oct. and the role of Communist Party of Greece / KENO ΔΙΚΤΥΟ :Πολιτική Ανακοίνωση για την Γενική Απεργία στις 19 & 20 Οκτ. 2011 και τον ρόλο του Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος Ελλάδος σε αυτή

October 25, 2011
More than 200.000 people in the National Strike demonstration in Athens Stalinists of the Communist Party of Greece & Police protecting the parliament Stalinists attack against the radical social movement Stalinist’s beating random demonstrators

General Strike (28-29 June 2011) Greek Revolution = Direct Democracy, Revolt, Self Organization, Social Solidarity, Dignity, Personal and Collective Freedom, Struggle for Global Economic-Political-Social Equality for All!

June 30, 2011
Καλούμε Εσένα να προετοιμάσειςτην Παγκόσμια Επανάσταση!Όπου και αν βρήσκεσαι, Όποιος και αν Είσαι,Όπως και αν Αισθάνεσαι!Ετοιμάσου, Οργανώσου,κοίτα γύρω σου, σκέψου, κατάλαβε τί συμβαίνειστην ζωή


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