WE ARE AN IMAGE FROM THE FUTURE U.S.A. TOUR 2010 for all info/details/arrangements of events: voidinternational@gmail.comyou can help us continue this tour withyour donation click
Void Network [barcelona creative cell] announces the creative participation in Festival of Squatting in Barcelona5-6 th of March in Social Center “La PAPA”at sagrera
Travelling from New York to Washington D.C. and then from the fosuburbs down to Richmond, Virginia…Meeting comrades in houses, staying together, cooking, drinking,speaking about
VOID NETWORK [Theory,Utopia,Empathy,Ephemeral Arts] presents WE ARE AN IMAGE FROM THE FUTURE U.S.A TOUR 2010 creative cells of cultutral activists, travelling for 6 months
Void Networkannounces the death of our great spiritual friend,Kostas Axelos. The thinker of the Vast Open Horizon,the enigmatic thinker of the Planetary Age diedin