This is a text of Noam Chomsky's 1970 lecture on the possibilities for a libertarian socialist society and against both liberal capitalist and state socialist alternatives.
Lots of people are reading Rodrigo Nunes’s Neither Horizontal Nor Vertical this summer, including some people to whom I recommended the book, and so I thought I’d do a post about it. When I was writing my review of Vincent Bevins’s If We Burn, I
The following article (re-published here by Void Network) was sent to Ill Will Editions by ex-Monsieur Dupont co-author Peter Harrison. In addition to offering
Ιnterview conducted on September 12, 2019 by ACTA, on the occasion of the publication of Baschet’s new book on the Gilets Jaunes uprising, Une Juste colère.
AK Thompson’s newest book, Premonitions: Selected Essays on the Culture of Revolt, is focused on strategic and analytical insights about how our social movements work,
This book is about a revolution (i.e. a historical break, not gradual peaceful evolution) that creates communism – not its preconditions. The main difference
In this in-depth analysis, Peter Gelderloos explores the technological and geopolitical changes that movements for liberation will face over the next several decades. How
Τhe recent Hulu adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian masterpiece The Handmaid’s Tale has been interpreted by commentators with remarkable uniformity, as a nightmare vision perfectly timed for a
Acknowledgments Thanks Again to my friends who read the manuscript and whose comments and criticism I heeded throughout: especially Leo Lowenthal (University of California
How do contemporary forms of subjugation of life to the power of death (necropolitics) profoundly reconfigure the relation between resistance, sacrifice, and terror? This