The construction of the city reflects its limits , its barriers , its submission to concrete rates , to concrete tunes , to concrete colours , to determinate lines ; this is the form of
Total Freedom World Tour arrived in the Convergence Center of the Fight Against G8 in Rostock, in the Baltic Sea of north Germany…Yesterday night we organized small party here for to meet all people on
These are photos from German Media about the demonstration that happened in Hamburg on the 28th of May 2007 against the globalization of capitalism on the same date of the ASEM Summit where European Union
The night started after the end of the Reclaim the Streets…60 people were arrested and many people in Rote Flora were working with the lawyers for solidarity…More than 100 came in the central room of
27 May 2007 Void Network (Theory,Utopia,Empathy,Ephemeral Arts) Crimethinc Ex Workers Collective Global Eye presents A day of workshops, films and talking circles in the Convergence Center of Anti-G8 international mobilizations Rote Flora/Hamburg from 6 o
26 May 2007 Talking About Total Freedom>>situation 3>> participation in the demonstration of the students of Hamburg against the obligatory student fees and the comercialization of public education in Europe! It was like a parade
Talking About Total Freedom>>situation 2 >>Knallhart_Hamburg University 24 May 2007 It was a very difficult night…. Everything started great…In the afternoon there was a party organized by students of the campaign against the payment of
situation 2> Thursday 24 May> Knallhart electro acid psychedelic trance rave festival against the capitalistic stupidity and the state violence featuring international djs and visual artists from Europe/U.S.A. >>participation in the fight of the university
The first situation in Hamburg was wonderful! More than 150 people came to join us in an utopian atmosphere in the Rote Flora squated social center that fights against European apathy for the last 15
Friends are coming from different sides of the planet to meet in Germany…Activists and artists, poets, lovers, hippy freaks, punks and ravers…people from all cultural backrounds are commited to fight against global capitalism in the
TALKING ABOUT TOTAL FREEDOM world tour: Germany / 15 May-15 june 2007 Hamburg: Fight Against European Apathy! situation 1> Tuesday 22 May> Rote Flora electro space dub, roots reggae, psychedelic ambient +antiG8 multi media visual