Analysis by Jineolojî Academy: Every hegemonic power has a new plan for Syria. Are the democratic forces capable of protecting their people, women, cultures, nature and the future against these plans?
artwork: Void Network Guy Debord, In Girum Imus Nocte Et Consumimurm Igni: a Film. London: Pelagian Press, 1991. film review written by Stefan Pfohl Permit
Enraged About Corporate Greed? Kidnap Your Boss By Christopher Ketcham, AlterNet. Posted April 30, 2009The French have taken to bossnapping — “sequestering” their bosses
In the aftermath of Congressional approval of bailout legislation granting sweeping powers to the financial elite, the body politic appears to be helplessly mired
Warning to Mayor Bloomberg and his machine:Don’t underestimate the revolutionary movement from the below! Rebel Diaz!Watch your backs! This family oriented video is the
moments after this man died UK Police Killed a Man at London G20, new video evidence: Some people have started a call out
With the installation of photovoltaic cells in Prapopoulou Squat Athens,Greece starts an experiment of collective ownership and self-management ofenergy sources willing to cover our
Void Network proudly accomodates some of the paintings from the Greek painter BabaGian For more info navigate in:
In the memory of Brad Will murdered in Oaxaca by Mexican police and government officials The Oaxacan People’s Insurrection for Dignity By Korinta Maldonado